BREAKING NEWS! Pup reporter Madison Murray is on the case in New York City.
Did you ever wonder what it‛s like being a dog in NYC? Well, I am a dog in NYC! Instead of “Sex in the City”, it’s “Puppy Paws in the City”!
Let‛s talk about the great parts first, like taking my dad, Andy Murray, for a puppy adventure in Central Park. We enter the park at the Dakota Apartment building (where John Lennon lived), then through Strawberry Fields, across The Lake to The Ramble where Dad turns me loose to play in the creek (don‛t tell anyone, Central Park is leash-only) through the Great Lawn. Then we double back to Columbus Circle for an ice cream cone and my favorite food truck, Mr. Softee! Let me tell you, THAT is one good time and it wears my puppy butt out!
Another wonderful thing I like is my dog park on a pier in the Hudson River. I meet my best friends, Jack and Banana, Boston Terriers, at the dog park for an hour of wild and crazy activity! Then home for dinner with my Dad.
Now for the not so good part of being a dog in NYC. When it‛s 15 degrees outside, the wind is blowing, it‛s snowing or it‛s raining and cold and I’ve got to go potty, there‛s nothing good about those scenarios!!!
Topped with the fact that we live on the 36th floor! At those times I sometimes wonder if Dad really wants to have a dog in NYC. It is as difficult on him as it is on me. He can‛t just let me out in the back yard. He‛s got to get us all bundled up in foul weather gear before we go out and dry/warm us when we come back in!
Which brings me to a philosophical question about adopted children: do people who adopt a child want/love children more than people who can have them naturally? I don‛t know, either, but the same type of question exists for people who have a dog in NYC: do those dog owners have any idea of the difficult factors of pet ownership in the city? Does the joy of pet interaction outweigh these difficulties? I sure hope so!
– Madison Murray